Core Values

Core Values

I recently spent some time reflecting on what my values are. Evaluating what is most important to me, in order to create some clarity moving forward in my life and in my business.

Core values are fundamental beliefs that guide our decisions and actions.
Kind of like an internal GPS, guided by our feelings.

Being crystal clear on what those beliefs are help us to live more authentically. When you assess each action and decision you make against how it fits in with your values, then you can be assured that you’re living in alignment. And this leads to a life that is more joyful, fulfilling, and prosperous.

When your actions are out of alignment with your values, this invariably leads to unhappiness and disappointment.

My VPS (value priority system!) is essential to navigating this world that bombards us with information, choices, and demands on our time. It helps to determine my priorities and clarify my decisions – what people I spend time with, who I partner with in my business, what companies I give my spending dollars, and what causes I support.


Here’s my list of core values, narrowed down to the ones that spoke loudest:

Health – physical, emotional & spiritual vitality

Family – love, security, connection

Freedom – time, financial & personal

Fun – passion, play, joy, adventure

Gratitude – optimism, abundance mentality, positive thinking

Service – contributing to the well being of others

Authenticity – being yourself, integrity, trust, honesty, truth

Personal Growth – willingness to learn, overcoming fear, forgiveness

I have this list posted in my living space, my office, and in my journal, so that I have daily reminders. Holding in your mind a persistent desire for what you want is guaranteed to attract more of it into your life.

Take some time to find clarity around your own personal core values. Ultimately, life is easier, more joyful and peaceful when you are operating in harmony with your beliefs.


much love & gratitude,





© Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.




My vision of abundance is living a life permeated by vibrant good health.  Overflowing with fun, laughter and pleasure.  Filled with Love and friendship and meaningful relationships.  Where there is no lack, minimal stress, and absolute freedom and contentment.

How JUICY is that?!

And so this is my mission statement:


I only arrived at this after many years of feeling like I was living in a perpetual state of lack…  a lack of money, a lack of time, a lack of feeling good – both physically and emotionally.  Feeling discontent, unfulfilled, and often times lonely.

Overall I just felt STUCK. Yet I kept plodding along, doing the same things year after year, somehow expecting that my circumstances would change. Silly me!  I was very clear on what I didn’t want any more of in my life, which eventually led me to start thinking about what I did want…

This clarity of vision that I had for my ideal life led to some BIG shifts in thinking and doing that launched me out of my rut and into a place of overwhelming abundance.  The important first step is getting clear on what you want your life to look like, then try applying some or all of these ideas to move you towards your vision.

Here is what worked for me:

Take control by taking responsibility – everything you have and do not have in your life is entirely up to you. Be the driver, not the passenger!

Commit to doing things different, even if you feel fear (especially then) – nothing can change if you continue to think & do everything exactly the same.

Get healthy – it gives you the energy to take on the world.

What you focus on expands – always give attention and gratitude to the positives and what is working, instead of dwelling on the frustrations.

Find your tribe – surround yourself with optimistic, like-minded people.  Spend less time around negative people who don’t support your dreams.

Go play outside!  Spend more time in nature and less time with technology.  Be inspired by how much beauty and abundance exists in nature. Move your body.

Stop comparing yourself to others – just be the very best version of you.

Find your purpose – when you’re living authentically and in alignment with your values, then abundance will flow effortlessly.  This isn’t just about work and may not involve being compensated…. at first 😉


It’s taken me quite some time to live into my vision of an ideal life.  And even now that I’ve achieved it, it takes constant nurturing to maintain. I’m the perpetual student, picking up offerings of wisdom along the way. I practice. I fail. I course correct. I fall asleep. I wake up. I grow, every day, I grow.

But there is one thing I know for certain:  the Universe is inherently abundant.
And there is PLENTY for everyone.

much love & gratitude,




© Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristi Bellis and Bluleaf Living with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.